'Cos the auntie down in the lower berth in stark aberration to her XX chromosomal pattern has somehow imbibed the spirit of the rooster... no pun intended.
...It is 6 in the morning and she has to make her presence felt.... a post mortem about the previous day's crybaby soap... for Crissakes...not here
" Your morning is not my morning LADY!!!" Wish I could scream it down her throat and lull her into silence, but decide against it, not wanting to match my vocal skills against hers... bet she could coo like a cuckoo... instead decide on giving her "the look" fire raging, anger smouldering.. sorta thing.. but only manage two groggy eyes deprived of sleep, trying hard to light up but spluttering like wet match-stick.
DAMN the fire and the smoulder
I reluctantly make peace with my situation, fiddle for my specs, get them on and clamber down the berth to the floor. The moment I do the touchdown I waddle around left and right... and lose my balance.. the train too at that precise moment decided that it needed a spot in the course of my destiny..
I dawdle across to wash my face and the moment i splash water on my face, my vision becomes distorted... and I literally see water streaming down eventually fading into drops that just stayed there like faded mist...surreal early in the morning.... ever happened to you???? Never to me....
I try to figure out why I was blessed with the sudden surreal experience...and then came up with the genuinely intelligent idea of washing away the droplets. Remember all of this is happening in a flash. Kinda split-second decisions they expect u to make in an action-flick
However the mysterious transformation of the water droplets continued. I stressed my processes. Then like a light of boltning...aah.. bolt of lightning. riding on a moment of inspiration.. I solve the mystery and grinned to myself....
MORAL OF THE STORY :- Remove Ur specs b4 u wash Ur face in order to avoid the mysterious travails I have been through.
And yes hi and thanks to the pretty girl who made it a point to giggle loudly enough, witnessing the whole episode... thanks to her.. every time I take that train..people recognize me and I get place to sit ... words are not enough to express my gratitude for Ur subtle handling of the matter. I hope we meet again and I get a chance to repay u in kindness.