
" The Wonder Years"

I ain't one for much of television unless one of my teams is playing( then i turn into a television fanatic wishing and willing things from where i am). However i did catch a part of the "The Wonder Years" today, like how they explore issues, it was about choices today.

Every choice eventually comes with a risk of its own. It was interesting to observe a mutual fund manager for Reliance Capital observe “no disproportionate gains without disproportionate pains.” ( The markets tanked another 1000 points today) He used his common wisdom to the situation and put it very matter of factly the more you want the more you risk.

There however are no guarantees in life. Lord plays a funny guessing game with all, keeps us starving for the whole day, and to tickle his funny bone brings us vivid dreams of a sumptuous feast by night. Eventually I have realized that it’s all about waking up and realize that the whole day was just a bad dream.

Is it so easy? Frankly all of us are looking for a shining star to wish upon. For all the lofty talk it’s quite a bummer not to get what u want. Getting up everytime one falls, maybe necessary but not easy. The hurt lingers for ever and lasts a lifetime.

No point risking all for a mirage and then to reach it accidentally and realize that the desert was much better….and as for Kevin Arnold …he took his SAT's. And to quote the narration in the background....."We talked life. We made plans. And the next morning, at 8:00 AM, seventy-eight students gathered in the McKinley cafeteria to take what was supposed to be the most important test of their lives. Everyone had a different way of coping that day. Some were more effective than others. But for all the risks and choices, I was one step ahead of them. After all, I knew that this was just one test in thousands I'd be taking in my life. None of them final, none of them irrevocable. And the way I saw it, maybe life was a risk. But this time, I was ready."

Maybe life is indeed a risk and we do have to take our share of tests along the way and to twist it a little… maybe life we lead too is just one of the tests that we take.

Am I ready… I don’t know... will I get what I want…depends on the choices I make…

1 Comment:

Izabela said...

"Wonder Years" ...glad you mention it. It was something we were realy looking forward to every week. There wasn't much on TV so the half an hour with Wonder Years was like a glass of water after you spent a month on a dessert. My sis used to record each episode on a video tape and we watch them all over again and again. Muah for reminding me how I felt then.